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R&D Recreational vessels 

We are developing ship designs for all types of transport and special-purpose ships. 


In most cases we are working on the whole product development cycle but if necessary are also working on special parts of the scope.

Research and development goals 


Comfort and space arrangement research. In this area, we are investing a lot of time into researching different space arrangements and are developing new outfitting concepts that will be most suitable for different recreational vessels.


Researching of new materials. We are closely following the composites manufacturing industry and are collaborating with them in order to investigate the usability of new materials in our products. We are comparing prices, pros, and cons and are eventually designing what will we use in our designing and manufacturing processes.  


Weight planning and arrangement. Weight is playing a vital role in designing new vessels. That is becuse it is imperative to obtain perfect trim and stability in order to get best preformance form the vessels. 

Arrangement of the weights, structure, eqipment and people around the vessels is because of that really important, smaller the vessels bigger is the impact or weights arrangement.


Strucutral arrangement and hull form. These two segements are mostly researched with FEM and CFD softvare, retrospectivly. 

Hull form has biggest impact on the vessels preformance and we are constanly searching for impovements as even a slitest impovemnt can have big impact on the resistance and sailing characteristics. 

Structure can make boat hevier or lighter and at the same time more stiff or a bit elastic. All of those must be havely investigates before new conepts can be used in the stucture calculations. 

Research and development benefits for our clients


Lighter vessels 


With our lighter vessels consumption of the fuel will be lower, vessel will preform better and will have bigger capacity. 


Better attangement

You are getting more from every meter of space which you got from your boat. Equipment arrangement is better and living space is more comfortable and functionality is increased. 


Better preformance

With usage of Hull form optimization software's and structure simulations we are getting to better and more optimal designs and products for our clients. 

Interested in our R&D department, or in our recreational vessels services?

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